Witness To Power – A Political Memoir


By Mathews Phosa

Mathews Phosa has been an eyewitness to the dramatic shifts of political power in South Africa. He was involved in the Black Consciousness Movement, the United Democratic Front (UDF), and the African National Congress (ANC). In 1985, he fled into exile and became an Umkhonto weSizwe commander in Mozambique.

A lawyer by training, Phosa was one of the first ANC members to return to South Africa. He helped prepare the way for negotiations.

Witness To Power – A gripping political memoir

Phosa was the premier of Mpumalanga during Nelson Mandela’s presidency, with whom he had a strong relationship. Under Thabo Mbeki, whom he had known in exile, Phosa was pushed to the sidelines. He faced false accusations of involvement in a ‘plot’ to overthrow the president.

Phosa served under Jacob Zuma as an MK field commander in Mozambique. He became treasurer-general of the ANC when Zuma became its president at Polokwane. However, Phosa later became a vocal critic of Zuma, and they did not speak for years. Their communication resumed the night before Zuma’s resignation.

Phosa and Cyril Ramaphosa studied law together at the University of the North in the 1970s. Fifty years later, Phosa advised Ramaphosa over the Phala Phala report that threatened to end his presidency.

Witness to Power is a gripping story of underground activities, military operations, negotiations, political conflict, and intrigue. It offers fascinating new insights into the ruling party and its leaders. These insights come from an ANC elder who worked with them all.

About the author

Dr. Nakedi Mathews Phosa was born in Mbombela township, Nelspruit, but grew up near Potgietersrus (Mokopane). After studying law at the University of the North, he opened the first black-owned legal practice in Nelspruit in 1981. He became involved in underground ANC activities. In 1985, he was forced into exile.

After training in East Germany, he became the regional commander of uMkhonto weSizwe in Mozambique. Following the ANC’s unbanning in 1990, he returned to South Africa. He was one of the first ANC members to prepare for negotiations with the National Party government.

Phosa played an important role in transition initiatives, including CODESA. He also headed the ANC’s legal department. After the 1994 elections, Phosa was appointed premier of Mpumalanga, a position he held until 1999.

He served on the ANC’s National Executive Committee and was treasurer-general from 2007 to 2012. Phosa speaks nine languages and has published two poetry volumes: Deur die oog van ’n naald (Through the Eye of a Needle) and Chants of Freedom.

  • PUBLISHER | Penguin Random House SA |
  • ISBN | 9781776093953 |
  • Recommended Retail Price | R300.00 |
  • Classification | Memoir |


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