Many occupations such as Accounting, Architecture, Engineering, Financial Planning, Human Resources, Law and Teaching dictate that membership of their Professional Body is required in order to practice in that field.
Professional Bodies thereafter require their members to maintain and improve their professional competence, keep abreast of new technology and practices as well as comply with professional regulatory requirements.
This is done by earning CPD points.
Usually 1 point = 1 hour
BusinessBrief is accredited for CPD purposes by the following organisations and designations, subject to individual requirements:
- AT(SA) (Accounting Technicians South Africa)
- ACCA South Africa (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
- APSO (Federation of African Professional Staffing Organisations)
- CCMG (Contact Centre Management Group)
- CGISA (Chartered Governance Institute of Southern Africa)
- CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)
- Compliance Institute (Compliance Institute Southern Africa)
- FPI (Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa)
- ICBA (The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants)
- IoDSA (Institute of Directors in Southern Africa)
- ICM (Institute of Credit Management of South Africa)
- IMC SA (Institute of Management Consultants of South Africa)
- IPM (Institute of People Management)
- PRISA (The Institute for Public Relations and Communication Management Southern Africa)
- SAATCA (The Southern African Auditor and Training Certification Authority)
- SABPP (South African Board for Peoples Practices)
- SAIBA (Southern African Institute for Business Accountants)
- SAIPA (South African Institute of Professional Accountants)
- SAIT (South African Institute of Tax Practitioners)
- SAPA (South African Payroll Association)
- SASQ (Southern African Society for Quality)
Obtain your CPD points by reading BusinessBrief…
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