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Tag: political power

Witness To Power – A Political Memoir

Mathews Phosa has been an eyewitness to the dramatic shifts of political power in South Africa. He was involved in the Black Consciousness Movement, the United Democratic Front (UDF), and the African National Congress (ANC). In 1985, he fled into exile and became an Umkhonto weSizwe commander in Mozambique.

Can a liberal government eliminate SA’s wealth disparities?

For us liberals, it matters little who makes a million dollars every other day, or how the world’s most endowed billionaires spend their wealth. As long as legitimate effort is exerted in an environment of free market competition; where entrepreneurship is recognised and rewarded on the basis of good business ethics and hard honest work.

BOOK REVIEW | Of Vagabonds, Missionaries and Thieves

Set in the 19th century Boer Republic of Transvaal, Southern Africa, the Boer Dirk van Zyl leads his band of vagabonds in raids on African villages, capturing children to be traded for cattle and sold into labour on the Boer farms.

BOOK REVIEW | Precarious Power

What happens when a former liberation movement turned political party loses its dominance but survives because no opposition party is able to succeed it? The trends are established: South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) is in decline. Its hegemony has been weakened, its legitimacy diluted.


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