David Seinker | Founder | CEO | Business Exchange (TBE) | mail me |
Many employers are asking their teams to work from home, while entrepreneurs who would usually work from a shared space are working from home. This is in order to reduce the risk of employees contracting the COVID-19 virus and adhere to the national lockdown.
For those who have never worked remotely before, this could be a daunting experience, and many will find themselves getting easily distracted at home due to children, household chores and other factors.
I have some sound advice on best practice when it comes to remote working and not being able to connect in person with other like-minded people or potential clients.
One of the biggest challenges when moving away from a stimulating ecosystem, where you’ve been surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs and business people, is simply getting yourself to focus.
The ‘big three’ at the start of each week and a daily ‘to do’ list
A daily to-do list is an excellent way to focus your attention as you begin each day, and comes with the added satisfaction of being able to cross off completed tasks.
It’s also key to set yourself three key goals at the start of the week, and then use your daily to-do list to break them down into manageable parts, numbered in order of priority. And place the thing you dread doing the most at the top of your daily list, and get it done first.
Also, try to set time limits to each daily task. Many people work well in office environments because of the pressure they are under from management above them. You can work with your manager to identify the key deliverables each week.
Getting better acquainted with modern technology and tools
We are living in interesting times currently, grappling with a number of changes in how we do business. Many meetings and important business deals are now taking place in the digital world, and it’s time to get with the programme.
There are several tools that you can use to conduct these meetings, with Google Hangouts perhaps the easiest and most accessible. Almost everyone has a gmail address, so for most it would require very little set-up time.
Taking a break
Even though you’re working from home, you need to give yourself breaks as though you were at the office.
Breaks are important to keep you focused; it’s generally accepted that, for example, if you work behind a computer you should get up and move away from it every 30 to 45 minutes, for a five-minute break.
You could also spend an hour exercising. It’s not just hearsay. While the recommended times between breaks vary, there are numerous research papers out there that prove you actually become more productive if you take regular breaks. Go on, Google it during your next break.
Keeping connected with your colleagues
There will be regular check-ins with your manager and teams, of course, but you may find yourself feeling a bit lonely for the rest of the day if you’re used to work-place banter and conversations.
One way around this is to keep connected digitally with some of your colleagues and work friends. You can exchange work ideas or even just chat about the trials and tribulations of working from home during these uncertain times.
Don’t be a slob
This one is more important than people think. Even if you’re just moving from your bedroom to a work space in your lounge, get up each morning as you would if you were going into an office and don’t lounge around in your pajamas.
Sitting around in clothing that you would usually relax in will only make you want to relax when you should be working.
It may seem like a cool idea to now be able to sit at your desk in your dressing gown and slippers. But, just don’t.