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Remote Work Visa – Cape Town is wooing more digital nomads

Almost three months after South Africa introduced the long-awaited Remote Work Visa to attract foreign digital nomads who can choose any exotic destination in the world to work from, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) sees an uptick in enquiries from these remote workers who want to move to South Africa, and specifically to Cape Town.

Building authentic workplace connections

Building authentic workplace connections is so important for creating resilient teams to thrive in today’s dynamic and collaborative workplace. As we emerge from the profound disruptions of the past few years, the need for genuine connections is clear.

Unregulated gambling and financial crime – modern tactics

Television series like Breaking Bad and Ozark reflect the public’s fascination with money laundering and its criminals. Yet, in reality, laundering is far more sophisticated, dangerous, and far-reaching than the fictional exploits of Walter White or Marty Byrde. Unregulated gambling and financial crime are increasingly interconnected, providing criminals with new avenues to launder illicit funds globally.

Impact of excessive government regulation and control

The impact of excessive government regulation and control is the harm to businesses and employees caused by excessive workloads and stress. This reduces productivity, morale and overall efficiency in public services. The state is intended to function in an efficient, economical and effective manner.

SA retail innovation reveals optimism

Sometimes, it takes an outsider to allow South Africans to recognise that SA retail innovation is positive in their own country.

In-house versus agency communications

Brands taking communications entirely in-house may see short-term financial benefits, but long-term drawbacks are significant. The communications agency I have led for almost eight years is unusual in retaining clients for extended periods. Occasionally, we lose an account.

Talent competition in financial services – skills over roles

Conversations about the war for talent in financial services have persisted for many years. Competition to attract skilled individuals has always been intense, with high demand for talented professionals. This competition has intensified recently as hiring activity accelerates to meet today's significant challenges.

PropTech transforming real estate landscape

While the property industry globally has traditionally been a laggard when it comes to the use of technology, focusing more attention on assets such as physical buildings rather than technology, this has rapidly changed. A growing number of businesses are now introducing technology platforms and solutions to enhance the client-tenant experience and to ensure more informed investment and property management decisions are made.

Retail fashion future-proofing

It is no secret to everyday consumers and industry professionals that South Africa’s retail industry has faced many obstacles throughout the years. Between the rise in load shedding hours, the extended economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, poor infrastructure, inflation, constrained consumer spending and unemployment, SA’s retail giants have certainly had to overcome some tough challenges.

Visa process reforms – a positive shift for tourism and immigration

The standardisation of port-of-entry visa requirements heralds positive change at Home Affairs. We encouraged by the work being done by Minister Leon Schreiber and his team at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). This includes the launch of the remote working visa scheme (officially gazetted on 9 October) and the new immigration directives. These changes bring welcome reforms to the country's immigration policy.


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