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CFO’s & CX! – is finance evolving from hindsight to foresight...

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) role has evolved significantly. No longer is it a hindsight role recording what happened, but it has pivoted to give future-focussed business-critical direction.

Leaders would do well to step up and prepare for a...

As South Africa navigates the COVID-19 third wave and businesses do all they can to mitigate the health and economic effects on their workforce and businesses, the country needs strong leaders who acknowledge the unprecedented uncertainty but step up and prepare their organisations for a season of growth.

Success hacks to help small businesses survive… and then grow

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the real job creators that will turn our economy around. It is incredibly difficult to turn a business idea into a business, and a small business into a growing business.

SURVEY: Deloitte Restructuring Outlook 2017 released

Restructuring professionals more positive about the economy, but retail, agriculture and construction sectors remain at risk, 2017 Deloitte Restructuring Outlook survey finds.  The fourth annual...

South African Brands Beat Unstable Conditions

Every year, leading brand and branded business valuation consultancy, Brand Finance puts thousands of the top brands to test. These brands are valued to...

Wellbeing Economy – Success in a World Without Growth

Economic growth is a constant mantra of politicians, economists and the media. Few understand what it is, but they love and follow it blindly....

Entrepreneurship – Township SMMEs

PART 1 OF A 3 PART SERIES South Africa lags far behind many developing countries in levels of entrepreneurship, which is seen globally as a...


THE INNOVATOR is a person or organisation that drives innovation and can be defined simply as a new idea, process or product. INNOVATION can be viewed as the application of improved solutions through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models. ENTREPRENEURS & SMEs drive innovation by their use of inventive ideas, processes and products. Innovation is their catalyst for business growth.

Technology-led or soon-to-be-dead?

The future of business is in the cloud. That is the message from global analysts as the latest IT sales figures show a marked shift away from hardware. The shift to cloud services and other Digital Business solutions has slashed Gartner's global IT spending growth forecasts by half: a cut of $67bn for this year alone, with data centre growth predicted at a modest 0.3% in 2017.

African Fears for the Rise of the Machine

Many African businesses are grappling with the challenges posed by digitalisation as fears mount of the "rise of the machine” and its consequent impact on jobs and growth. However, this myopic view of the future comes with a significant risk as it overlooks the real economic value that digitally driven industry initiatives will bring to growth, development, jobs and society at large.


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