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Calling all young entrepreneurs – the mental toolbox needed to succeed

Ask any budding young entrepreneur in South Africa what they need most, and they will probably rattle off a list as long as your arm: Some moola to invest in their business. A stable electricity supply. The eradication of crime that destroys businesses and results in financial loss. Lower borrowing costs. Reasonable interest rates. And the list goes on.

Self-taught vs studying design

Whether you succeed or fail in the world of design has little to do with whether you went to university, college or neither. It has to do with you, the person behind the design and the decisions you make on your journey to success. Being a great designer is all about the individual, their work ethic, the portfolio they build and very importantly, their love for design.

How businesses can leverage games to drive social change

Games are one of the biggest entertainment categories in the world today. Globally, video games are worth more than US$242 billion and are expected to be worth nearly US$584 billion by 2030. Over the last two decades, gaming has also become so much more accessible.

Are entrepreneurs born or made?

Many people who have business ideas feel in some way that they are not ready to take the plunge, and one of the most convenient excuses is that they feel that they “are not entrepreneurs”. But this doesn’t take away the business idea smouldering at the back of their minds. To try and resolve their dilemma, they start looking around for answers as to whether entrepreneurs are born or made. As a result, this is a question that gets asked of experts almost continuously.

Teaching children financial savviness

An oftentimes overlooked subject when it comes to effective parenting, empowering children with financial literacy from a young age is one of the greatest gifts parents can give to their children. As the world becomes increasingly complex, teaching your little ones about sound financial management isn’t just about educating them about what Rands and cents are or, how money works; it’s about equipping them with the skills and knowledge to navigate a financially savvy future.

Refocusing CX in 2024 – key areas

In today’s rapidly evolving market, customer experience (CX) is a battleground for companies vying to secure a competitive edge. Globally, evidence of the unequivocal correlation between CX and a company’s financial performance is widely understood.

Opening a second business location – steps to expansion

The prospect of expanding your business to a second location might be an enticing opportunity for growth. But it’s a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. Careful planning, critical analysis, and data-informed execution are essential to ensuring your new location’s success.

Navigating the transition from the NQF to OQSF framework

South Africa is at a crossroads of a significant educational and vocational transition as it shifts from the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) to the Occupational Qualifications Sub Framework (OQSF) managed by the Quality Council for trades and Occupations (QCTO).

BOOK REVIEW | Timeboxing

Do less and achieve more with a simple time management practice guaranteed to transform all aspects of your life. Do you feel like you're always busy, but never truly productive? Do you crave a simpler, more intentional life?

BOOK REVIEW | Infectious Generosity

From the bestselling author, media pioneer, and curator of TED, an inspiring book about one of humankind’s defining but overlooked impulses, and how we can super-charge its potential to build a hopeful future. Recent years have been tough on optimists. Hopes that the internet might bring people together have been crushed by the ills of social media.


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