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Tag: Gender Based Violence (GBV)

South Africa is between decline and renewal

How to get rich in the 21st century details how India’s prime minister wants his country to reach rich world status by 2047. His formula lies in incentivising homegrown industry, a diversified services base, and a relentless focus on what’s good for the economy.

Gender inclusion – critical to unleashing economic potential

In a country faced with appalling numbers of gender-based violence (GBV), it is surprising how this crisis is often treated as a domestic issue - with very few policies within the workplace on how to help combat GBV, even with so much commemoration across business especially given it was recently women’s month.

New harassment code will require employers to overhaul existing policies

A new Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Harassment in the Workplace has become effective. The new code will require a total overhaul of sexual harassment and harassment policies that employers currently have in place as well as how these policies are implemented.

The socioeconomic costs of structural unemployment

According to the Global Peace Index for 2020 by the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP), violence costs South Africa about 13% of its gross domestic product (GDP) per year. South Africa ranks as the 26th most costly in the world, totalling $97.4 billion, or $1,971 per capita (in PPP terms).

Ending violence in the workplace must become a global priority

As we joined hands with the rest of the world to commemorate International Women’s Day in the spirit of ‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow’, it is imperative to ensure that more is done to end the debilitating impact of ongoing gender-based violence and femicide in the workplace. 

Why it’s vital that companies’ mental health initiatives address the underlying...

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, and we entered our first 21 days of lockdown in March 2020, it was unimaginable that we would find ourselves here almost 20 months later. And we certainly wouldn’t have guessed that mental wellness would have become such a large part of our conversations, both inside and outside of business.

When women do better, economies do better

As we reflect on Women’s Month in South Africa, it is essential to acknowledge women’s contribution to society, the economy and unpaid care work – raising children, families and communities. Despite their massive contribution, women continue to face considerable challenges.

Victims of GBV – it’s time to take back your financial...

As the world battles COVID-19, a certain number of women in South Africa are fighting what the United Nations terms the shadow pandemic: endemic gender-based violence (GBV). The government GBV and Femicide Command Centre alone recorded more than 120,000 victims in the first three weeks of lockdown last year.

BOOK REVIEW | 12 Lenses into Diversity in South Africa

12 Lenses into Diversity in South Africa calls for responsible inclusion from all – individually and organisationally, by ordinary citizens as well as those in positions of power. In harnessing the best of our African, Western heritage and Eastern heritage, we can create a brighter future for all who live and work in South Africa.

‘Girlfriend’ loses fight for husband’s estate – was it really necessary?

We spend all our time trying to create wealth and building our legacies for our loved ones, and yet so few people dedicate any time to estate planning that creates clarity and certainty for when we’re gone.


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