Tag: flexibility
The pros and cons of subletting a property
Property subletting is becoming popular in South Africa, largely because of aggressive interest rate increases and the high cost of living. Many people look for subtenants to help them pay their rent, while others seek to sublet if they’re moving elsewhere and can’t get out of their current lease.
Top tech predictions for 2023
2022 was a rollercoaster - I don’t think any of us could have predicted what was to come. The constant through it all was the importance of technology to overcome our near-term obstacles and to realise our long-term opportunities.
The 2023 trends that will shape how you stay, fly and...
Business travel is back with a bang – at least in South Africa – with business travel numbers exceeding 2019 levels. This according to a recent whitepaper, SME Travel Trends for 2023, that indicates that demand has returned a lot quicker and more aggressively than initially anticipated.
COP27 – Recognising the value of hybrid working to the planet’s...
As recently as September, scientists were highlighting the imminent risk that, even at the current 1˚C level of global warming, at least five environmental ‘tipping points’ are likely to be passed – from the collapse of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets to a massive die-off of tropical coral reefs.
Why customers and CFOs gravitate towards unified communication solutions
The way customers communicate with companies has evolved rapidly, which is why businesses are now placing a greater focus on delivering on the unprecedented flexibility and convenience demanded by customers. To avoid being left behind by competitors and new technology-centric entrants in the marketplace businesses are deploying unified communication solutions as a business imperative.
The future of workforce mobility – human, hybrid and flexible
Today’s workforce has come to expect streamlined processes, flexibility, and digital connectivity from wherever they may work (whether in the office or remotely) in order to facilitate productivity. Throughout the pandemic, it was this ability to work remotely that broke social distancing boundaries and enabled new levels of productivity to be achieved, despite teams becoming more globally distributed.
Leading from behind
It doesn’t matter where you lead from, but today the world requires business leaders to step up and contribute. Not only in their respective organisations, but to lead the charge from the front or, as Madiba popularised, leading from behind.
Today’s booking behaviour is about immediate results – and instant gratification
While corporate travel is starting to recover, the pandemic continues to impact the industry, and industry players can see a change in booking behaviour. For example, the shift to last-minute bookings, necessitated by the uncertainty of the past two years, hasn't subsided as quickly as expected.
5G – an answer for a prosperous economy in South Africa
Since the late 1700s manufacturing has transformed economies and societies. The key element that kept it going and thriving is no more than innovation and smart design. With manufacturing making up close to 12% of South Africa’s GDP, there’s a solid case to make regarding the value of innovation.
BOOK REVIEW | The Upside of Being Myself and Other Leadership...
The Upside of Being Myself and Other Leadership Stories is a unique opportunity to catch a breath, step back, and take a long, hard, reflective look at who you are as a leader and where your odyssey will take you.