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Tag: financial performance

Enhancing resilience with analytics to drive financial precision

Global disruptions, economic uncertainty, and supply chain challenges have placed resilience at the forefront of boardroom agendas. One of the most effective ways for organisations to bolster resilience and enhance financial performance is by leveraging advanced data analytics.

Digital transformation in manufacturing a priority for growth

Following a challenging 2023, South Africa’s manufacturing sector must prioritise digital transformation, cost reduction and reskilling to drive growth. South Africa boasts a well-developed manufacturing sector. In 2023, the sector in its entirety provided more than 1.6 million jobs and accounted for 13.0% of South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Renewable electricity contract amendments – IASB’s proposals

Renewable electricity contracts, or power purchase agreements, are in high demand as companies and governments seek sustainable solutions, leading to growth in solar and wind energy purchases to meet net-zero carbon emission targets and reduce environmental impact. 

CFOs driving manufacturing digital transformation & automation

The role of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the manufacturing sector is undergoing a significant transformation. Traditionally seen as the gatekeepers of financial integrity and corporate compliance, CFOs in manufacturing are now finding themselves leading digital transformation initiatives.

Managing risk and compliance to ensure best practice in construction projects

The tragic collapse of an apartment building in George earlier this year, which resulted in the loss of 34 lives, serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of adhering to best practices in construction to manage risk and ensure compliance.

Transforming the building sector in South Africa – the sustainable impact...

The growing importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria is having a significant impact on how building projects are planned, executed, and managed in South Africa. If anything, it is reshaping the construction landscape when it comes to promoting sustainable development and improving social outcomes.

Nedbank interim results and dividend declaration for 6 months ended June...

The operating environment during the first 6 months of 2024 was challenging and economic activity remained weak, impacted by geopolitical uncertainty, high interest rates, persistent inflation and general uncertainty ahead of the national elections in South Africa (SA).

Engaging on climate can reduce emissions & enhance returns

Climate change poses risks to economies, companies, and investments. It is an important focus for us as active owners of assets on behalf of our clients. Many companies are carefully considering their exposure to climate risk and outlining their decarbonisation ambitions. What role can active ownership play in this, while also protecting and enhancing the value of investments?

Refocusing CX in 2024 – key areas

In today’s rapidly evolving market, customer experience (CX) is a battleground for companies vying to secure a competitive edge. Globally, evidence of the unequivocal correlation between CX and a company’s financial performance is widely understood.

Getting the right type of business funding

Accessing the right funding and financing, at the right time, can mean the difference between starting up, staying open, or shutting down. The economy is facing a challenging business environment, with slow global growth, economic volatility, and ongoing power supply issues. This means that many businesses in South Africa are still trying to find their financial footing


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