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Tag: wellbeing

Medicine 3.0 healthcare approach – redefining proactive care

The Medicine 3.0 healthcare approach emphasises proactive, personalised care that prioritises health span over lifespan for improved wellbeing. In nearly 30 years as a doctor, I have realised that the most powerful tool in healthcare is time. Most patients understand this. They know that, whether dealing with heart disease or cancer, early treatment improves the chances of a full recovery.

AI risks for children – balancing benefits and challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) risks for children encompass privacy concerns, over-trust, misinformation and psychological effects, highlighting the need for careful oversight. It is challenging to maximise AI’s benefits for children’s education and growth while ensuring their privacy, healthy development and well-being.

Small business owner wellbeing – balancing passion and pressure

Small business owner wellbeing is essential for sustaining growth, balancing challenges, and achieving long-term success in today’s competitive environment. Wellbeing is a key factor in business growth and success, especially for entrepreneurs navigating the often lonely path of self-employment.

Clean cooking and carbon credits – transforming Africa’s future

Africa, a continent blessed with abundant natural resources, is home to many people reliant on traditional cooking methods. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), nearly four out of five Africans still use traditional cooking fuels. These fuels include wood and charcoal, which contribute to deforestation and carbon pollution.

The ripple effect of kindness – a lawyer’s greatest lesson

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of law, the qualities of empathy and compassion often get overshadowed by career growth. Yet, these qualities are foundational to the true success of any lawyer. As a director of my own practice, I have witnessed the power of kindness.

Combatting workplace bullying

Workplace bullying transcends mere professional misconduct; it is a violation of human rights that undermines employee dignity and wellbeing. Bullying manifests in various forms - verbal, emotional, psychological and even through passive-aggressive behaviours such as exclusion and gossip. In South Africa, the implications of workplace bullying extend beyond moral concerns, as it infringes on constitutional rights.

Foundations of health and wellbeing

As disability or incapacity consultants, we are exposed to many individuals with physical and mental conditions, which impede their quality of life. In most cases, it is often an accumulation of factors that lead to an individual being plagued by illness.

Leadership qualities of electable leaders

2024 has been dubbed the ‘super election year’. According to Statista, around half the world’s population lives in the more than 60 countries holding national elections in 2024, and with roughly two billion eligible voters, this is being described as the largest election year in history.

World Suicide Prevention Day – help prevent tragic, untimely deaths

Suicide may be an uncomfortable topic – but talking about it is very necessary as it can help prevent tragic, untimely deaths. World Suicide Prevention Day, an annual awareness day marked on 10 September 2024, highlights the importance of ongoing awareness and public education to help reduce suicide rates and reach those who need professional support in time.

Why investing in employees’ health is a smart business move

At the heart of every successful organisation is a healthy, motivated workforce. In today's competitive job market, where talent retention, productivity and innovation are crucial, organisations must seek new ways to gain a competitive edge.


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