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AI risks for children – balancing benefits and challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) risks for children encompass privacy concerns, over-trust, misinformation and psychological effects, highlighting the need for careful oversight. It is challenging to maximise AI’s benefits for children’s education and growth while ensuring their privacy, healthy development and well-being.

Revenge porn and legislation – navigating legal challenges

Revenge porn and legislation have become critical issues, as victims face complex legal challenges in seeking justice and protection. The internet and digital platforms have significantly impacted privacy rights and the legal landscape. Social media, blogs, and other online forums have created a complex cyber landscape.

Small business owner wellbeing – balancing passion and pressure

Small business owner wellbeing is essential for sustaining growth, balancing challenges, and achieving long-term success in today’s competitive environment. Wellbeing is a key factor in business growth and success, especially for entrepreneurs navigating the often lonely path of self-employment.
Festive season cyber threats

Festive season cyber threats – how to outsmart scammers

Cyber threats usually escalate during the festive season, as cybercriminals take advantage of holiday distractions. For many, a tax refund may feel like the perfect holiday gift. But, unfortunately, cybercriminals often intercept these refunds, leaving taxpayers and businesses vulnerable.

Unregulated gambling and financial crime – modern tactics

Television series like Breaking Bad and Ozark reflect the public’s fascination with money laundering and its criminals. Yet, in reality, laundering is far more sophisticated, dangerous, and far-reaching than the fictional exploits of Walter White or Marty Byrde. Unregulated gambling and financial crime are increasingly interconnected, providing criminals with new avenues to launder illicit funds globally.

Public interest and privacy – navigating constitutional rights

There is a complex relationship between privacy and freedom of expression. Both rights are enshrined in the South African Constitution and are essential to a democratic society. The right to privacy safeguards personal autonomy by protecting individuals from undue intrusions into their private lives. Freedom of expression, on the other hand, promotes open debate and the sharing of information, which are vital for democracy.

Stokvel safety and precautions during the seasonal withdrawals

The growing trend of stokvels and the seasonal withdrawals during the festive season requires members to be vigilant and careful. Often, stokvels are formed at the start of the year to enable spending in December. As a result, we observe most withdrawals during this period.

eSIM benefits for travellers – simplifying connectivity abroad

At some point during your daily internet and social media trawl, you will probably have encountered the term “eSIM.” You would not be wrong to think the name sounds a bit techy. It most definitely is, as it stands for “Embedded Subscriber Identity Module". That’s a mouthful. Chances are, if you are scrolling your newsfeed for something light after a hard day, you would skip it.

Tech PR strategy for an effective impact

Disruption and increased efficiency, at an almost exponential scale, are changing the very foundations of economies. Technology businesses face as much opportunity as they do competition. As a consequence, technology companies need a strong public relations (PR) strategy. This strategy should boost awareness, differentiate, and amplify their credibility. However, choosing the right PR agency is crucial. In an industry as dynamic as tech, businesses should engage specialists. It’s not easy to choose an agency. 

Embracing an entrepreneurial mindset

In the business world, nothing stays the same for long. This makes an entrepreneurial mindset not just helpful, but essential. So what does it take? How can eager entrepreneurs tackle the complexities of the modern market and come out stronger? Having walked this path myself, I know the road to success is rocky and rarely straightforward. But I have found it's this unpredictability that best hones the skills and fuels ambition. 


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