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Tag: remuneration

SARS PAYE compliance – employers must get it right

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has signalled a stronger focus on Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) compliance. Furthermore, SARS PAYE compliance focus is highlighted in its 2023/24 Annual Report. SARS's renewed attention includes a rigorous auditing strategy targeting employers. The aim is to ensure PAYE is accurately held and remitted.

Employee disability benefit claims – employer responsibilities and benefit options

Employee benefits such as a retirement fund, healthcare insurance, medical scheme membership, group life and disability benefits are pre-negotiated and agreed upon as part of the employment process and contracting. Typically, these benefits remain in place until the employee-employer relationship concludes through resignation, dismissal, retrenchment, retirement or death.

New Companies Act requirements

During Parliamentary debates on amendments to the Companies Act in 2023, it was noted that the biggest opposition to the amendments related to the disclosure of remuneration. With the President signing the Companies Amendment Act on the 26th of July 2024, debates on the new remuneration requirements will resurface.

Red flags to spot social media job scams

As social media becomes more intertwined with our daily routines, sly cybercriminals are using it to trick people with fake job offers. What are these social-media recruitment scams, and how can you spot the red flags? With over 32% of South Africans struggling to find jobs, it is no wonder that scams targeting job seekers are becoming more common.

SME payroll pitfalls – mistakes companies should avoid

Paying employees sounds straightforward, but it is not unusual for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to make mistakes in managing their payroll. These errors can have serious consequences, ranging from damaging employee morale to fraud losses, and tax penalties for late or incorrect tax payments and submissions.

Staying in SARS’ good books on business trips

Tax season inevitably means digging out all those airline boarding passes, fuel slips and receipts from your travels over the past year. As a frequent business traveller, you've likely accumulated quite the collection in hopes of a decent refund on allowable expenses. However, the taxman wants more than a shoebox stuffed with crumpled receipts.

Beyond 60 – judgment upholds right to work & challenges retirement...

A recent judgment by the Labour Court confirms the current untenable position that many working-class South Africans find themselves in - being unable to retire comfortably at the standard retirement age, thus necessitating working beyond retirement.

2024 Earnings threshold announced

The earnings threshold will increase to R254,371.67 with effect from 1 April 2024, entitling employees falling below the threshold to stricter protections in terms of labour legislation.

The most important things to get right in a business

We live in a world with the luxury of easily accessible information. Let’s face it – as empowering as that is, it can at times feel overwhelming. To keep things simple, we thought we would share a few tried-and-tested behaviours that have proven themselves, repeatedly, to be the most vital elements to get ‘right’ in a business.

Potential retrenchees entitled to representation

The law makes it compulsory for employers to consult with the potential retrenchees or with their representatives before deciding to retrench. Despite this, employers often refuse to allow the employees to bring external representatives to the consultation meetings.


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