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Tag: Prescient Investment Management

Evaluating the cabinet-approved SOE plan

The cabinet approved a new state-owned enterprise (SOE) plan, which will lays the basis for private equity investment in state companies and listings on the stock exchange. It has already stirred significant debate and discussion – and rightly so, because full or partial privatisation by countries around the world has been met with mixed success.

Systematic investing in practice

The number one priority for a fund manager is identifying appropriate investments and combinations of these that offer the best risk-return profile for the fund managed. This challenge has and continues to face all portfolio managers, even when investing in income-generating assets, which are generally viewed as low-risk investments.

2022 – a year of recovery? Reasons for optimism

A few weeks into 2022, an underlying investment theme started to emerge, that of a continued, broad-based recovery with strong economic performance across the globe. Evidence of this recovery was noted in the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) January 2022 statement.

Taking stock of the COVID-19 crisis through a sustainability lens

If you are reading this, you are well on your way towards surviving one of the most cataclysmic events of our lifetime; one that is forever going to reshape the way we view the world and drive home the importance of prioritising sustainability and all it entails during the years ahead.

Credit market: deteriorating credit quality due to COVID-19

The macro environment has been deteriorating over the past few years and this has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. As a result, the credit market has been characterised by deteriorating credit quality and credit spreads. The key credit cycle indicators that we look at confirms this market phenomena.

What is systematic investing, and why is it the way of...

Systematic investing is a scientific, evidence-based approach that takes the emotion out of investing and allows for better investment outcomes as decisions are based on rules. This mathematical approach offers more science and less art; has a higher success rate; is more predictable and generates higher returns for investors, with lower fees.

Don’t give in to the new normal

Welcome to the ‘new normal’, they say. You see, something’s always considered the ‘new normal’ until yet another ‘new normal’ comes along. Granted, at times, the ‘new normal’ does actually stick. However, most of the time, it’s just noise and like the doppler effect, it will soon fade away.


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