Tag: looting
REPORT | Despite the shifting needs of the youth, what they...
The 2022 Gen Next report reveals what feels like unprecedented chaos as an ongoing theme experienced by the youth of South Africa. Youth unemployment, a shrinking economy, load shedding, looting and lockdown restrictions are but several contentious issues the youth were dealing with when the research study was infield.
Investment ghosts of the past, present and future
There has certainly been plenty of foolishness, as a new generation of day-traders have pushed meme stocks, special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) and cryptos to ridiculous levels. Battle-hardened investment professionals have not been immune to bouts of irrational exuberance either.
Riots due to inequality? Not likely
South Africa saw its most destructive riots in years this past July, ostensibly in response to former President Jacob Zuma's imprisonment and due to socio-economic factors. The Constitutional Court's sentencing of Zuma was widely hailed as a victory for the Rule of Law, but the commentariat in many cases remains blissfully unaware of its diagnostic blindspots.
Supply chains – recrafting & repairing after the violence & looting
ALONG with responsible, like-minded, and frightened South Africans, we looked on in growing horror two weeks ago as parts of our county were engulfed by acts of public violence, flames, and wanton looting. More tragic is that so many lives have been lost.
Build back better – now is the time for positive radical...
According to Peter Attard Montalto (head of Capital Markets Research at Intellidex) the violence and looting that took place in parts of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng in July 2021 cost the national retail sector R5 billion, 800 non-shopping centre stores were looted, 100 stores were burnt out, and 200 shopping centres were looted, and many destroyed. How can the country recover from such devastation - and when still enduring more than a year of lockdown and a pandemic? The answer must lie in economic and individual freedom.
Wealth tax: A bad idea
National Treasury has indicated that it will assess the viability of a future wealth tax, as it collects more data in the coming months following the recommendations of the Davis Tax Committee. South African Revenue Service (SARS) will focus on consolidating wealth data for taxpayers through third-party information, Treasury said in its 2021 budget review.
Why did state capture happen?
In 1998, the new democratic Constitution put in place was claimed to be the best in the world. It promised a better life for all. According to this new Constitution, it was necessary for parliament to pass a certain amount of legislation in order to complete the constitutional process.
New CCTV analytics will make looters think twice
Labour discontent, taxi strikes, protests, xenophobia … the incidences of general unrest across South Africa are rising and, while some are peaceful, the numbers that are escalating to violence and looting are alarming. In these chaotic scenes, criminals take advantage. Intelligent, analytics-enabled CCTV systems can make all the difference when it comes to identifying them, getting justice and claiming from insurance.