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Tag: Ian Russell

BOOK REVIEW | The Upside of Being Myself and Other Leadership...

The Upside of Being Myself and Other Leadership Stories is a unique opportunity to catch a breath, step back, and take a long, hard, reflective look at who you are as a leader and where your odyssey will take you. 

BOOK REVIEW | The Other End of the Telescope

The Other End of the Telescope is a high speed gallop through the absurdities and challenges of getting things done in large companies, and the inherent contradictions in leadership and organisational behaviours that prevent businesses from realising their potential and achieving greater success.

Launch of BCX

Ian Russell | Chief Executive Officer | BCX | | READ THE ARTICLE: BCX is driving disruption at the front line of technology and beyond  

BCX is driving disruption at the front line of technology and...

Ian Russell | Chief Executive Officer | BCX | | “The launch of BCX has been a fantastic experience,” says Ian Russell, Chief Executive Officer...


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