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Festive season counterfeit prevention – shop smart and stay safe

As the festive season approaches, the excitement of Christmas shopping is in the air. However, amidst the holiday rush, it is crucial to stay vigilant to avoid a nasty surprise of unexpectedly purchasing counterfeit products, which invariably flood the on and offline markets during this time.

Hyper-personalisation empowers CX

Clients today recognise that while convenience is easily replicable, delivering exceptional Customer eXperience (CX) through a genuine understanding of their unique business needs is irreplaceable. Client interaction and project management strategies are shifting dramatically toward hyper-personalisation, and businesses in the B2B space risk consistently falling short of meeting client expectations and client experiences, if they do not empower their teams effectively.

Crafting a unique personal statement for your CV

On a Curriculum Vitae (CV), a person’s personal statement or objective is one of the first things any recruiter will notice. First impressions count and mastering this introductory section is critical to capitalise on any potential job opportunities.

Leadership qualities of electable leaders

2024 has been dubbed the ‘super election year’. According to Statista, around half the world’s population lives in the more than 60 countries holding national elections in 2024, and with roughly two billion eligible voters, this is being described as the largest election year in history.

Dealing with a difficult boss

Have you ever been in a workplace situation with a difficult manager? These managers can test your patience, resilience, and professional sanity. Instead of letting these experiences drown your spirit, use this opportunity as a learning experience and practice your skill of speaking up.

How AI tools are transforming coaching

Coaching is a caring profession characterised by a trusted relationship, authentic connection, and a collaborative partnership between the coach and client. At the core of coaching lie deep, one-to-one, empathetic conversations. The ‘human touch’ is not just important, it’s critical to the whole coaching endeavour.

Unlocking success by tapping into the power of soft skills

Now well over the 20-year milestone mark in my marketing career, one of the key lessons I learned along the way, is that academic ability alone wasn’t going to be enough to cause me to thrive in the workplace. It was through firsthand experience and keen observations that I discovered the profound significance soft skills play in a successful corporate career.

Refocusing CX in 2024 – key areas

In today’s rapidly evolving market, customer experience (CX) is a battleground for companies vying to secure a competitive edge. Globally, evidence of the unequivocal correlation between CX and a company’s financial performance is widely understood.

BOOK REVIEW | The Performance Paradox

We all know we should be learning and growing. But how do you make time while under pressure to perform? Too many of us suffer from 'chronic performance': we feel constant pressure to look like we know what we're doing, to always be on, to rack up success after success and have all the answers, all because we assume that greater effort leads to greater success.


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