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What a new world order might mean for the global economy

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened fault lines between nations which will affect trade relations and investment for years to come. The war in Ukraine is already having a significant effect on inflation and activity in the world economy as commodity prices have soared and supply chains have been disrupted.

Words of the Year

The word of the year in 1999 was 'Y2K'.  In 2007 it was 'subprime'. And then in 2016 it was 'Brexit'. 2017 saw the emergence of 'Fake news', and in 2019 it was 'Climate emergency'.

REPORT | Uncertainties remain with reasons for optimism

2020 started off with significant economic and geopolitical uncertainties, and then the pandemic upended everything, for everyone. Many unknowns remain, not least as to the true extent of the long-term economic damage, and as to who will be the winners and losers when the world properly emerges from lockdown.

EU and UK seal a partial Brexit deal

On Christmas Eve, more than four years after voting to leave the European Union and one week before the end of the ‘transition’ phase, the UK and European Commission agreed the terms of their new trading relationship. The tariff and quota-free deal sets the stage for the UK to plot a recovery from its pandemic-induced recession, its deepest in more than 300 years.

The UK and the non-compete clause: can SA compete?

With only a few weeks till the Brexit transition and having initiated discussions years ago, UK ministers are considering formally doing away with non-compete clauses sooner rather than later. Essentially, removing non-compete clauses allows employees to start their own businesses without having to sit out a waiting period.

BOOK REVIEW | Black and White Thinking

Black and White Thinking is an alarm call, an urgent and timely explanation of the polarisation seen in some of the most dominant global news stories of modern times. It is human instinct to sort and categorise. We are hardwired to discriminate and frame everything in binary black and white. It's how our brains work. Migrant or refugee? Muslim or Christian? Them or us?

An investment cure for coronavirus: the diversification premium

Markets are walking on eggshells as the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), first reported from Wuhan, China in late December 2019, is wreaking economic havoc. Data from the world’s second largest economy shows a plunge in business activity in the last month, including massive declines in passenger traffic, electricity generation, shipping volumes and real estate transactions.

2020 investments – what can we expect?

It seems to be standard practice that every year, financially savvy investment guru’s give us their take on what they think the investment landscape for the year will yield.

Brexit – a guide to the latest developments

It is unprecedented times in British politics and British history. No longer is it hyperbolic to say that due to Brexit the British government and Parliament has not been so much at loggerheads since the English Civil War in the 17th Century.

Predicting the future of Brexit and the UK Economy

It has been said that the market is only one tweet away from a crash. This highlights the serious instability within today’s market. Businesses need to survive, let alone thrive in a massively complex and unstable world. They are spending significant amounts of time trying to predict the future needs of their clients, in an effort to provide them with a superior customer experience.


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