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Tag: black economic empowerment

BOOK REVIEW | The BEE Billionaires

South Africa is in the eye of a slow-building economic storm: junk status, political upheaval, civil unrest, spiralling unemployment, state capture and the fallout from COVID-19. There is no better time to assess the impact of one of the biggest economic experiments in Africa that began a quarter of a century ago: black economic empowerment, or BEE, the legislation-backed effort to transfer wealth to black people and to facilitate their broader participation in the economy to redress the inequalities created by apartheid.

International Equal Pay Day – Women must be paid their worth

The gender pay gap is holding back African economies from unlocking their true potential. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread job losses globally, disproportionately affecting women more than men. It is more urgent that ever to address the lack of gender equality on the African continent across all spheres of society.

The silent yet present black middle class

The middle class broadly has been a high level, vigorous and academic marathon in defining and diagnosing. The middle class has always been viewed as the creation of a capitalistic system, leading to defining society in terms of class and wealth.

South Africa’s recovery cannot be driven by an ideological fantasy

South Africa needs an extraordinary plan and a huge amount of political will to dig itself out of the proverbial hole we find ourselves. The ANC’s discussion document ‘Reconstruction, growth and transformation: building a new inclusive economy’, is not such a plan.

PODCAST | Black on Black – changing the face of leadership...

An interview with Brian Mhlanga, Leadership/Executive Coach & Facilitator, and Dr Ivor Blumenthal, CEO, ArkKonsult, discussing that it is a myth that leadership and executive coaching is ‘not a Black thing’; that the concept is Western and therefore has no value in South Africa.


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