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Tag: biometrics

Digital identity future trends

As essential services continue to digitise at an increasing rate, digital identity will remain central for businesses and governments. In many cases, digital identity is recognised as the first line of defense in protecting funds and data. As a result, business attitudes toward digital identity are evolving fast.

Identity platforms – safeguarding your online betting

Online betting in South Africa is a thriving business, expected to become a billion-dollar sector within four years. But there are risks, especially as the digital era makes it easy to forge identities. Betting companies must manage fraud risks and honour legislation, avoid financial and reputational damage, and continue investing in customer relationships.

Biometrics – safer than a password?

It is widely acknowledged that biometric technology is the most secure and accurate way of authenticating and verifying an individual. Biometrics comprise a set of technologies and processes used to recognise, authenticate, and identify people based on certain physical or behavioural characteristics.

Who is the UBO? – knowing is vital for any deal

Knowing who the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) of an entity is before engaging in any type of business deal, is a critical task that is often overlooked. This is particularly true in today’s increasingly stringent regulatory environment, in which organisations are increasingly expected to understand who they are doing business with to help fight fraud.

Putting a face to digital identity

In a post-Covid world, where in-person contact has been drastically limited or eliminated, the need for digital identity onboarding is increasing exponentially.

Know Your Customer trends for 2022

The way customers are engaging in today's new digital world has changed and is still evolving rapidly. We use technology to open bank accounts, work online and buy products. Technologies empower people to behave differently, which has led to digital disruption and a much more empowered consumer.

BOOK REVIEW | Intelligent Automation

Today, Artificial Intelligence has the ability to automate white-collar work, in a shift many are calling the 'fourth industrial revolution'. Industry experts Pascal Bornet, Ian Barkin and Jochen Wirtz are at the helm of this Hyperautomation. In their new book, the team lays out what the future might look like.

Check yourself before you recommend yourself

Have you ever done a Google search on yourself? Most people have and if your friends and family are active online and on social media platforms, someone at some stage has probably recommended to you that you do such a search and check.

CCTV surveillance footage resolves workplace disputes

With the right security measures in place, ensuring the safety of a company’s employees and equipment is much easier. Whether it is biometrics on all entrances and exits of an office park, fences to physically prevent intruders from gaining access, or CCTV cameras intended to catch criminals in the act, technology makes security simpler.


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