BOOK REVIEW | Expatriate Tax
With the effective date of 01 March 2020 for the ‘expat tax’ drawing closer, South African expatriates, their employers and tax advisors have little time to come to grips with the impact that this tax policy and law change will have on them personally.
The FLISP subsidy and you – what you need to know
We have partnered with the National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) to make the dream of home ownership a reality for first-time homebuyers who may not have been able to attain a home loan in the past. This has been made possible through the government introduced Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (FLISP) that looks to close the ‘gap’ in the homebuying market.
New ranking – which banks contribute most to systemic risk?
A new ranking highlights some of the dangers and risks facing South Africa’s banks - an industry that has been rocked by recent revelations of collusion and currency fixing, resulting in the Competition Commission referring to the Tribunal for prosecution against 17 banks.
Understanding the landscape of philanthropy in Africa
This century belongs to the African philanthropists, whose capital, influence, local knowledge, and moral authority have the power to address pressing challenges that face the continent.
Nutritional Holdings benefits from cannabis deal
The pharmaceuticals group says its management agreement with Ukusekela is already bearing fruit. Nutritional Holdings says its plan to sign an interim management agreement to manage cannabis company Ukusekela Holdings has already borne fruit, with a return to profitability for the first time in several years.
Women’s empowerment begins by removing barriers to girls’ education
At the current rate of progress, the World Economic Forum says it will take 102 years to close the gender gap in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is therefore vital to ensure girls have equal opportunities not only in the workplace but in school to accelerate closing the gender gap.
Shifting from cybersecurity to cyber resilience
Nature is inherently designed for resilience. The way trees are designed to bend but not break under the weight of high winds, storms, and snow, how they automatically renew and heal each season – we can learn a lot about resilience from nature and it is time for organisations to take a similar approach to cybersecurity.
Workplace mobbing mounting!
Mobbing is ‘bullying on steroids’, a horrifying new trend where a bully enlists co-workers to collude in a relentless campaign of psychological terror against a hapless target. (This is different to flash mobbing in a workplace which can be a form of a strike where employees do something collectively to draw attention to an issue).
Contact centres – the new soft target for hackers?
Hackers are becoming more brazen in the way they target organisations as they hunt for soft targets. Companies who see the value in outsourcing their customer experience services to contact centres should be wary of the risks this brings, coupled with the adoption of new technology.
Future of work? – The real impact of AI & 4IR...
“How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) impact our world of work?” the editor asked. “Will the world see massive unemployment from the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) underpinned by AI, smart robots and all the new computing power and even smarter programming the world has today?”