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The proceeds of an insurance life policy benefitting an insolvent belong...

An unrehabilitated insolvent, who is a nominated beneficiary in terms of a life insurance policy, is not entitled to the proceeds of the policy to the exclusion of the trustees of their insolvent estate.

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There are about 230,000 registered non-profit organisations (NPOs) in South Africa, and getting involved as a board member could make a considerable difference to their sustainability. Join up and make a difference – but avoid some common pitfalls.

Trustee authority to act on behalf of a trust

A sale agreement had been signed on behalf of a trust, as purchaser, by a single trustee whose conduct was thereafter ratified by the remaining trustees.

What makes a valid will?

Your will is one of the most important documents on which you ever have to place your signature. It is your last wishes on earth and the document that determines how your assets should be divided, nominates an executor and trustee to take care of the division of the estate's assets and to handle the administration of any trust assets.


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