Tag: Synthesis Technologies
Unveiling the code – why developers must crack the domain
It is important for developers to understand the domain and the significance of domain mastery in software technology. The pivotal role of Sprint 0 in successful product implementation is highlighted, emphasising that it is not just for discovery but also a comprehensive exploration of the domain at hand. Developers must grasp the client’s revenue streams to maximise client success.
Political parties need to talk our dreams & address our fears
It always amazes me how much time political parties devote to other parties. It is not as if we would think that they support or admire their competitor, and it’s not as if their view of their nemesis is likely to convince us of anything.
Talking about Gaza, means we are not talking about electricity or...
Howard Feldman | Head of Marketing & People | Synthesis Technologies | mail me |
Back in 1995, former World Bank vice-president Dr Ismail Serageldin said: "If the...
So much noise, so many words, but so little communication
This is not about Israel. Or Palestine. Or Gaza. It is not about Hamas, the atrocities perpetrated, or about civilian deaths on both sides of the border. It is about us. It is about our ability to speak, be heard and in turn, to listen and to hear. Ten minutes on anyone’s social media feed and it becomes evident that there is not a lot of that happening.
Demystifying open banking
Every South African should care about open banking. It would give consumers more control over their financial data and empower them to use the banking services that best meet their needs. Open banking promises to reinvent the way consumers view and interact with financial products and services.
I believe that South Africa will begin to turn the corner...
Later today I will go to the local bookshop where I will buy an unreasonably priced moleskin notebook and a gel-based pen. My wife will roll her eyes, thinking of the half-used ones I have back home, but she will not attempt to talk me out of doing it. Because this is a yearly ritual that assists me to focus, plan, introspect and execute.
Our load shedding education is powered by the ANC
The conversation started poorly and deteriorate from there. “Triple or single phase?” was his opening gambit. And already I was stumped. “How do I tell?” was my weak retort … and already I could feel his eyes rolling on the other side of the phone.
What role does/can an MSP play within your organisation?
The role of the Managed Service Provider (MSP) is to take responsibility for looking after the organisation's infrastructure and tooling services, whether it be in cloud or on-premises. This frees up time from the organisation's resources to accelerate business value and time to market.
Black Friday, the not so dark Friday
With Black Friday around the corner, most if not all, e-commerce and retailers will have that feeling of anxiousness and dread in the weeks leading up to the day asking:mWill the site or systems stay up? Will it perform under the additional load? and If it goes down how fast can we recover?
There are many cons, but the opportunities in South Africa are...
The realisation came when I least expected it. We had been out of South Africa for five years when we met my parents, siblings and their families for a family holiday. Our children by then had gained New York accents and were stylishly attired in their overpriced fashion items, whilst the nieces and nephews marauded through the hotel in their 'Naartjie' outfits that were more akin to pajamas than to fashion.