Tag: substance abuse
World Suicide Prevention Day – help prevent tragic, untimely deaths
Suicide may be an uncomfortable topic – but talking about it is very necessary as it can help prevent tragic, untimely deaths. World Suicide Prevention Day, an annual awareness day marked on 10 September 2024, highlights the importance of ongoing awareness and public education to help reduce suicide rates and reach those who need professional support in time.
Upholding dignity – the power of a strong code of conduct
In a South African context, ‘dignity’ is a word that is often supercharged, laden with meaning and emotion. Given our dark history where apartheid stripped whole groups of people of their dignity – and because of the prevailing gap between rich and poor, with South Africa having the highest Gini coefficient in the world – we not only have to believe in dignity, we must also strive to uphold it across all aspects of society.
People management – It’s time for a more empathetic approach
Globally, there has been a significant uptick in the prevalence of depression and anxiety post the COVID-19 pandemic. In South Africa, it is estimated that one in six people suffer from anxiety, depression, or substance abuse and more than half of the population is possibly dealing with some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder. Another study estimated that a third of people suffer from a mental illness and of that figure, 75% won’t receive any treatment.
Latest claims statistics – a reality check for men
Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) confirm that women live considerably longer than men, on average. The general consensus is that the combination of men’s lifestyle choices and their reluctance to seek medical advice is a major contribution to their relatively high incidence of serious health issues at a young age.
The importance of psychological fitness
You’re most likely familiar with the definition of fitness, as it applies to your body. If considered fit, you might be able to run, swim or cycle for longer periods or at high intensity, with your body easily accommodating the exertion.
Alcohol and drug testing – some do’s and don’ts for employers
The law on intoxicating substances in the workplace is clear. The Occupational Health and Safety Act places a strict obligation on employers to ensure that they do not allow entry to the workplace if an individual is intoxicated, whether under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Work from home – drinking on the job
Working from home has become a normal part of business life, a part that is unlikely to come to a crashing halt any time soon. Within this new normal are casual clothes, comfortable working conditions, as well as less time spent in cars and chatting around the water cooler.
Academic anxiety: easing post-pandemic career fears
For once, the age-old tale that school life was 'much harder back in my day' could not be further from the truth. The class of 2020/2021 are enduring one of the most difficult global events in recent memory, and they are doing so while juggling concerns over grades, exams, and future employment.
BOOK REVIEW | Determination: The Autobiography
Widely known for his extreme off-the-beaten-track adventures, ultra-endurance athlete Jamie Marais has launched his first book, Determination: The Autobiography. It’s based on a series of solo ultra-endurance challenges, each of which takes place in a dangerous setting with intensely challenging physical objectives and natural threats including unpredictable weather, high altitude, steep mountain passes and dangerous wildlife.
The legalisation of cannabis does not extend to the workplace
Whether the recent Constitutional Court case of Minister of Justice and Correctional Services v Prince and Others, in which the private use of cannabis was declared legal, has any bearing on an employer’s ability to discipline employees for being under the influence of cannabis whilst on duty.