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Tag: spreadsheet

Staying in SARS’ good books on business trips

Tax season inevitably means digging out all those airline boarding passes, fuel slips and receipts from your travels over the past year. As a frequent business traveller, you've likely accumulated quite the collection in hopes of a decent refund on allowable expenses. However, the taxman wants more than a shoebox stuffed with crumpled receipts.

Are your Excel spreadsheets a cybersecurity risk?

The use of spreadsheets in accounting and finance departments has vastly improved data analysis and enabled fast and accurate reporting, computing and information storage. Life without them is almost unthinkable. However, danger lurks within and although the use of macros in Excel to automate processes can enhance efficiency, macro malware can put your entire business at risk.

The evolution of accounting

Accounting is in a very exciting space. Access to modern technology has been changing the profession for several decades already. But today, it stands at a crossroads that shapes accounting's future - a break away from the routine capturing, recording and presentation of historical data.


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