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Tech pathways for matriculants – from matric results to careers

With the 2024 matric results being announced on Monday, there are tech pathways for matriculants. These pathways could open up a world of possibilities for aspiring tech professionals. The South African technology sector is undergoing an extraordinary transformation. This change is marked by a surging demand for skilled professionals across diverse industries.

Maximising your message in a media interview

One of the most common social anxiety disorders is the fear of public speaking, or glossophobia. Most people would probably rather go head-to-head with a shark in the ocean than have to stand up and speak in front of 100 people in a room. Consequently, media interviews can be scary to navigate, but it is important to conquer your fears and ensure you get the most out of them when they do come around.

Insurance advisers – helping to navigate challenging times

Both the role and value proposition of insurance advisers is changing as the insurance industry becomes more complex. Understanding the client’s risks and offering the most appropriate solution requires that insurance advisers are experts in their field.


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