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Tag: South African Police Service (SAPS)

Dawn raid compliance guidelines

It is vital for employees to understand how to conduct themselves during dawn raids or interactions with regulators. Failure to do so may result in significant consequences for the employer. The European Commission recently fined a European company after a senior employee deleted private WhatsApp messages during a dawn raid pertaining to a competition law violation.

A court’s take on the timely assessment of insurance claims

Policyholders and insurers alike should take note of a judgement recently handed down in the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Johannesburg. The case concerned a claim for specific performance in terms of a life insurance policy. The policyholder lodged a claim with his insurer through its authorised agent on or about 27 September 2017.

Building whistle blower confidence to enhance OHS

The processes for reporting dangerous workplaces can significantly differ from one organisation to another. Notably, there seems to be a lack of consideration for an anonymous reporting mechanism, leaving individuals raising concerns vulnerable to potential identification by others within the organisation who may take issue with the report.

Consequences of non-compliance for all accountable institutions

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) brings to the attention of all accountable institutions, important information regarding penalties and administrative sanctions for non-compliance. This information applies also to those institutions included on Schedule 1 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 2001 (Act 38 of 2001) since December 2022.

Hawks and SARS on the hunt – VDP your tax redemption

The fiscal pressures on South African Revenue Service's (SARS) tax collection appear to have now compelled SARS to actively initiate the arrest and prosecution of taxpayers who do not accurately declare their taxable income. For long time, it has been warned that SARS possesses third-party information from banks, financial institutions, estate agents, car dealerships etc., enabling them to identify those who are not declaring their income correctly.

Retailers – get the best out of monitoring & security

From a smart retail perspective, it is crucial to understand that monitoring stock and other assets through camera surveillance and a variety of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors stretches further than the stores themselves.

Enforcement notice issued against the SAPS

It was with great shock that the South African society learned about the rape of several women near Krugersdorp in July 2022. But what was more worrisome was the shock of the victims upon realising that their personal details such as names, residential addresses and occupations appeared on social media platforms!

Illegal mining, the ‘zama zamas’ and the law

Illegal mining is a critical challenge in the South African mining and minerals industry. The South African government previously recognised the potential of small scale mining operations to increase the portfolio of minerals being produced and possibly lead to the exploitation of resources that would otherwise be sterilised.

Innocent bystanders – liability of SAPS during the July 2021 lootings

In July 2021, South Africa was ravaged by lootings and violent protests following the incarceration of former President Jacob Zuma. Reports suggest that as many as 117 people have been killed and hundreds of businesses were lost or destroyed as a result of the violence that erupted during demonstrations across the country.

Anti-intimidation in the public sector

In October 2020, we focused on ethics and delivered a series of webinars to discuss the ethical challenges currently facing the chartered accountancy and auditing professions and come up with solutions to these challenges. During a particular focus on ethics in the public sector, I shared that the professional body has noted an increase in the number of member complaints about intimidation threats.


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