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Tag: short-term investment

Retirement investments are losing value due to bad behaviour

Rising costs of living and high levels of unemployment in an unpredictable economic landscape have turned traditional financial aspirations on their head as people desperately scramble to overcome short-term challenges at the cost of long-term investments.

Post-pandemic investment opportunities are everywhere, but so is the risk

‘When one door closes, another one opens,’ as the saying goes, and this is particularly true when it comes to investments. Economic recovery is on the horizon, and while it is expected and somewhat priced in by present market activity, investors are more interested in looking at what lies ahead. And here there may be some opportunities.

How safe is investing in South Africa right now?

The 2020 Global Wealth Migration Review cited that an estimated 4,000 of South Africa’s highest nett worth individuals – worth R17 million or more – have left the country over the past ten years. Wealth migration data such as this report is said to serve as a clear indicator of the health of the economy. 

Investing safely and securely during tough economic times

It’s no secret that South Africans are under pressure financially – with a slow economy, increasing electricity and petrol prices and slow wage growth. Many may therefore search for ways to make their savings work harder for them, and in so doing fall prey to short-term investments that offer unusually high returns.

Should you take investment advice from family and friends?

Your friends and family may offer you financial advice with good intentions, but you should be wary of basing your investment decisions purely on stories shared 'around the braai'. People love to give advice, especially the people closest to us – our family and friends. And while we are often able to be circumspect, sifting out what is irrelevant to us, it can be difficult to resist taking financial advice from family and friends, especially when they appear to have done well for themselves.


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