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Employment tax incentive amendments

In a significant move to strengthen the integrity of the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) scheme, the government has proposed amendments to Sections 1(1) and 5(3) of the Employment Tax Incentive Act, No. 26 of 2013. The ETI, introduced in 2013, aims to encourage employers to hire young job seekers by reducing the cost of employment through a government-supported cost-sharing mechanism.

Insurance claim settlement disputes – policyholder and insurer options

When a liability insurance policyholder is being sued, they refer that legal case to their insurer. If a claim in question falls within the four corners of a policy, the insurer handles the claim on behalf of the policyholder. If the matter goes to court, the court papers cite the policyholder (not the insurer) as the litigant.

Renewable electricity contract amendments – IASB’s proposals

Renewable electricity contracts, or power purchase agreements, are in high demand as companies and governments seek sustainable solutions, leading to growth in solar and wind energy purchases to meet net-zero carbon emission targets and reduce environmental impact. 

BOOK REVIEW | The Gathering

A detective investigating a grisly crime in rural Alaska finds herself caught up in the dark secrets and superstitions of a small town in this riveting novel from the acclaimed author of The Chalk Man. In a small Alaskan town, a boy is found with his throat ripped out and the blood drained from his body. The brutality of the murder of chillingly echoes a killing from twenty-five years ago.


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