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Tag: rule of law

Impact of excessive government regulation and control

The impact of excessive government regulation and control is the harm to businesses and employees caused by excessive workloads and stress. This reduces productivity, morale and overall efficiency in public services. The state is intended to function in an efficient, economical and effective manner.

The price of populism? – the rule of law, economic freedom...

The results are in. The African National Congress has attained 40% of the vote, the Democratic Alliance (DA) 21%, uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) 14%, and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) 9%. It is clear that some of these parties enjoy too much support in the context of a country that claims to be a constitutional state that prioritises the rule of law and which requires massive foreign and domestic private investment.

BusinessBrief June/July 2024 edition is now available!

Read our exclusive cover story titled The price of populism? - the rule of law, economic freedom & social progress by Martin van Staden, Head of Policy, Free Market Foundation, plus a host of other topical management articles written by professionals, consultants and academics.

The digital tightrope walk for business & human rights

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation but also presents significant challenges and risks, especially concerning human rights and corporate governance.

When judges aren’t

The Western (including South African) judiciary is a peculiar thing. To defy a judge is to commit an offence to society so great that most people do not even consider the merits of the defiance, and rush immediately to demand punishment. The recent controversy around Judge Mandlenkosi Motha is a case in point.

Nemo plus iuris – the universal law statists don’t want you...

Martin van Staden | Head | Policy | Free Market Foundation | mail me | No matter what legal tradition you grew up with or which you...

Whistle blowing – protecting a vulnerable watchdog

Every society is built around the rule of law and adherence to that law. However, the custodians of the law (police and lawmakers) can't be present in every instance where there is a breach of legal and ethical behaviour. Citizens must be equally invested in being law-abiding citizens and exposing instances where questionable behaviour occurs.

Can a liberal government eliminate SA’s wealth disparities?

For us liberals, it matters little who makes a million dollars every other day, or how the world’s most endowed billionaires spend their wealth. As long as legitimate effort is exerted in an environment of free market competition; where entrepreneurship is recognised and rewarded on the basis of good business ethics and hard honest work.

Eskom monopoly causes loadshedding, violates Rule of Law 

Government’s conduct over the last century and more has led to the situation South Africa finds itself in today as regards the provision of electricity. Tracing a series of legislative and regulatory interventions in the electricity market, we can see how this came to be.

BusinessBrief December/January 2022/23 edition is now available!

Read our exclusive cover story titled WHO WILL WATCH THE WATCHMEN? - THE RELEVANCE & ROLE OF THINK TANKS by David Ansara, Chief Executive (Designate), Free Market Foundation, as well a host of other topical management articles written by professionals, consultants and academics in the December/January 2022/23 edition.


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