Tag: platform as a service (PaaS)
Reasons why PaaS is the smart choice for SMEs
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has seen rapid growth in recent years following the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though it can be deployed quickly, ERP systems are complex and require significant computing resources, which can be expensive to acquire and maintain in-house.
Embracing Open APIs for insurance growth
An application programming interface (Open API) provides standards for how different software communicate with each other. Taking it a step further, an Open API specification (OAS) allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service without requiring access to its source code.
2023 Forecast – cloudy, with a (high) chance of cyberattacks
Given the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape, there is a growing sense that South African companies will rethink their cloud approaches to better prepare for rapid recovery in the event of potential ransomware and other cyberattacks in 2023.
Cloud Protection Trends Report for 2023
The Cloud Protection Trends Report 2023, covers four key 'as a Service' scenarios: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Backup and Disaster Recovery as a Service (BaaS/DRaaS).
Local – complete cloud puzzle for digital transformation
The cloud infrastructure market is likely to be the battleground of the immediate future. Globally, the cloud is booming with the combined public cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) segments forecast to have revenues of $400 billion in 2025.
Operating in the new age of business
Despite its pivotal role in the 4th Industrial Revolution, the connectivity sphere is no different from any other business sector when it comes to profitability challenges. In the fast-moving and hyper-competitive economic environment of today, even the biggest players in ICT are under threat.
How will the technology landscape change in 2019?
Until now, our industry has spoken about innovative technologies somewhat theoretically, without providing a clear picture of how these powerful new innovations will be used. This has left people without a solid understanding of how they will ultimately manifest in our work and personal lives.