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Tag: personal insurance

Rental income insurance – protecting your assets and liabilities

Protecting assets that generate rental income is vital to ensure financial security and to avoid unexpected liabilities or losses. Renting out a room, apartment or even an entire home can be a great way to earn extra income.

Ensuring that your ‘work from home’ devices are adequately covered

As the new normal requires for people to continue working from home, one needs to take the time to review their portable work devices and ensure that they are adequately insured from theft or unforeseen damage. The awareness around the need for insurance, both in one’s professional and personal capacity has increased tenfold since the onset of the pandemic.

Adjusting for Insurance 3.0 – the next stage of evolution

The insurance industry needs to get ready for ‘Insurance 3.0’ – the next stage of evolution for the industry to accommodate the changes brought on by our current pandemic. But wait, aren't we still trying to reach level 2.0? Yes and no.


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