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Tag: personal growth

Building authentic workplace connections

Building authentic workplace connections is so important for creating resilient teams to thrive in today’s dynamic and collaborative workplace. As we emerge from the profound disruptions of the past few years, the need for genuine connections is clear.

Tech pathways for matriculants – from matric results to careers

With the 2024 matric results being announced on Monday, there are tech pathways for matriculants. These pathways could open up a world of possibilities for aspiring tech professionals. The South African technology sector is undergoing an extraordinary transformation. This change is marked by a surging demand for skilled professionals across diverse industries.

MBA and DBA education choices – advancing professional growth

Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) education choices offer professionals a strategic pathway to enhance leadership skills, drive career growth, and achieve long-term success. These qualifications equip professionals with leadership skills, strategic insight, and global perspective. These qualities are essential to excel.

BOOK REVIEW | 10 Golden Stars to Leadership Excellence

Embark on a transformative journey as you discover the wisdom, tools, and strategies to become a leader of substance and stature. This book is underpinned by Dr Dreyer’s decades of experience, collaborations with world-renowned institutions, neuroscientific insights, and real-life success stories.

BOOK REVIEW | To My Sisters

One would think that by the time that you’re well into adulthood you would know how to navigate friendships, be knowledgeable on the intricacies and requirements of making new friends and maintaining old friendships, but reading this book proved to be an eye-opener.

The power of human thought in an AI-driven era

We have all been there, right? Where it seems as though the algorithm knows us better than we know ourselves. Where all the answers are a ChatGPT away… or are they? In a world where in many realms it seems artificial is trending, could we be losing sight of the value of real AI- Actual Intelligence?

BOOK REVIEW | The Wealth Money Can’t Buy

A groundbreaking book redefining success to show readers how they can create truly abundant and fulfilling lives by following Sharma’s 8 Forms of Wealth model - from the #1 international bestselling author, speaker, and leadership expert.

Employees expect more from their workplace – and their bosses

Effective communication, emotional intelligence (EQ), trust, and willingness to be vulnerable are the most sought-after qualities for today’s business leaders. New global research reveals a significant shift in our relationship with work and our expectations of it in recent years with employees seeking work environments in which they can grow. In a nutshell: we want more from our work and our bosses.

Resume gap? How to confidently answer the feared question

In the dynamic world of job interviews, there is one question that often sends a chill down the spine of job seekers - "What were you doing during this gap in your resume?" This seemingly innocent question can trigger fear, doubt, and discomfort in the minds of job seekers.

Unleashing transformational corporate leadership

It is important to have a clear understanding of what transformational leadership is before we explore the topic. By definition, it is a leadership style that goes beyond traditional management practices which involves inspiring and motivating followers to achieve their full potential, challenging the status quo, and driving meaningful change within the organisation.


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