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Tag: Paris Agreement

South Africa’s new Climate Change Act – an overview

The mechanisms created under the new Climate Change Act must be implemented in accordance with the principles set out in section 3 and with a view to achieve the Act's objectives set out in section 2. The Act imposes different duties on different categories of government stakeholders, including organs of state which are required to revise, amend, coordinate and harmonise their policies, laws, measures, programmes and decisions in order to ensure that the risks of climate change impacts and associated vulnerabilities are taken into consideration.

What do sectoral emission targets mean for your business?

To support the implementation of South Africa's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment published the Sectoral Emissions Target (SET) Report for public comment on 26 April 2024.

Adapting workplaces to climate change

South Africa's scorching summers are becoming the norm, not the exception. This changing climate is not just a weather inconvenience, but a growing threat to worker safety. To address the possible health and safety risks associated with climate change (such as heatstroke in construction or injuries during floods), health and safety committees and officers should consider incorporating climate-related hazard indicators and assess the hazard-specific vulnerability of workers, workflows, and their environments.

South Africa faces hard negotiations at COP28

  Tina Costas | Director | Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa | mail me |                 James Ross | Senior Associate | Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa...

Africa lays the groundwork for a future of electric vehicles

The fast-evolving emobility sector presents a significant opportunity for sustainable growth and job creation in Africa, but some constraints need to be overcome. Many South Africans who struggle every day to reach their places of work using minibus taxis or cars on congested motorways may find it hard to believe that an emobility revolution is about to happen. But there are a number of trends moving in that direction.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage

With oil and gas-producing countries facing tremendous pressure to transition to green energy sources and leave their petroleum assets in the ground, carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) can act as a lifeline for their energy industries.

How Web 3.0 is shaping the future of sustainability

Sustainable societies assume natural resources are finite and aim to practice environmental protection that promotes balance between humans and nature. Adapting sustainability measures can save money in addition to environmental impacts.

Financing a sustainable ocean

Our ocean is facing a serious and urgent crisis. The cumulative impacts of rising ocean heat, disturbance, acidification, reduced oxygen, nutrients inflow and bio-invasions lead to a loss of resources and ecosystem function.

FEATURE | Greening our Economy

A Green Economy can be defined as a system of economic activities related to the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services that result in improved human well-being over the long term, while not exposing future generations to significant environmental risks or ecological scarcities.

Carbon tax changes to customs and excise laws

On 22 May 2019, the President assented to the Carbon Tax Act, 15 of 2019 (Carbon Tax Act), effective from 1 June 2019. The Carbon Tax Act has been implemented as part of South Africa's commitments under the Paris Agreement as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the challenges of climate change.


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