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Tag: Nicholas Woode-Smith

Privatise driving license production to end backlogs and corruption

South Africa relies on a single machine to produce driving license cards, which is downright ludicrous. In November 2021, an electrical fault caused the machine to break down. Repairs took two months, increasing the license backlog by over a million.

Cutting wasteful government spending to curb the debt crisis

Austerity does not need to mean suffering. Cutting public spending is urgent to address South Africa’s growing debt. Delaying cuts will only worsen debt and interest payments, making future cuts more severe. Reducing spending needn’t harm South Africans, as many wasteful expenses can be removed. In 2023, the Democratic Alliance (DA) estimated that the African National Congress (ANC)-led departments wasted around R40 billion in 2022/23 alone.

SARB independence essential for economic stability

South Africans should be terrified by the continued discussion of the possible nationalisation of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). While the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcome the discussion, and support putting the institution under total control of government, rational individuals should be supporting more independence and autonomy for the SARB, not less.

Basic education – should the Democratic Alliance push for privatisation?

Siviwe Gwarube is the first Democratic Alliance (DA) member to become Minister of Basic Education; an impressive feat that is fraught with peril. The DA did not nearly accomplish all that it should have after forming a government of national unity (GNU) with the African National Congress (ANC).

How to develop South Africa’s economic outlook

South African policymakers learn all the wrong lessons from other countries. Rather than look to the free and prosperous societies of the United States and Europe, politicians and pundits would rather push us to imitate Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba and Zimbabwe. And even when policymakers identify genuinely good role models, they take the wrong lessons.

Politics and power – focus on South African trade unions COSATU,...

Gargantuan and tyrannical unions like the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU), and National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) have leveraged their power, numbers, money, and capacity to threaten violence, and in so doing hold the economy hostage.

Minimum wage turns job seekers into potential criminals

Raising the minimum wage may seem like a way to help alleviate the plight of working South Africans, but all it really accomplishes is pricing more and more people out of the job market.

The EFF pillars are built to crumble

Since 2013, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) under wannabe despot Julius Malema has had seven so-called non-negotiable pillars. At their core, these pillars are stereotypical, rote policies of an ill-thought national socialist state. In practice, they will be disastrous for this country.

Privatisation is necessary to tackle public sector corruption

Nicholas Woode-Smith | Contributing Author  | Free Market Foundation | mail me| Parastatals, state-owned enterprises, and government interference in the economy all contribute to the...

Apartheid is under new management

The Employment Equity Amendment Act (EEAA) is not just a perverse, incompetent, and tyrannical piece of legislation, but yet another milestone on this government’s journey to embracing its own form of Apartheid.


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