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Tag: Motus Holdings Limited

Motus accelerates towards JSE listing

The automotive group says its own listing will provide shareholders with an opportunity to participate directly in its success. Motus Holdings lists on the JSE today ending a multi-year journey to create more value for shareholders of Imperial Holdings. The automotive group has been unbundled from parent company Imperial Holdings, which changes its name on 5 December to Imperial Logistics.

Imperial Logistics prepares to go it alone

Imperial Holdings says the restructuring and separation of Imperial Logistics and Motus was “among the most complex and ambitious undertaken in the SA market in recent times”.

ANNOUNCEMENT | Motus Holdings Limited

The JSE has granted Motus a listing by way of introduction of all its issued ordinary shares on the Main Board of the JSE under the abbreviated name “Motus”, share code “MTH” and ISIN ZAE000261913 with effect from the commencement of trade on Thursday, 22 November 2018 (“Listing Date”). Motus will be listed in the “Specialty Retailers” sector.

Imperial – Efficiencies Sought in Unbundling

Imperial shareholders are referred to the announcement released on the Stock Exchange News Service (“SENS”) of the JSE Limited (“JSE”) on Thursday, 21 June 2018 in relation to the proposed unbundling (“Unbundling”) of Imperial’s automotive business housed in its wholly-owned subsidiary, Motus Holdings Limited (“Motus”).


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