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Impact of excessive government regulation and control

The impact of excessive government regulation and control is the harm to businesses and employees caused by excessive workloads and stress. This reduces productivity, morale and overall efficiency in public services. The state is intended to function in an efficient, economical and effective manner.

Backcasting to the future

In Sci-Fi, the Grandfather Paradox hypothesises that if one should travel into the past and change certain key events, the future will also be changed or even become unrecognisable. But what if we turn this hypothesis on its head, defining a desirable future and then reverse engineer the requisite actions to achieve this future? Unlike the Grandfather Paradox which, as far as we know, only lives in Sci-Fi movies and novels, backcasting is completely possible.

SME payroll pitfalls – mistakes companies should avoid

Paying employees sounds straightforward, but it is not unusual for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to make mistakes in managing their payroll. These errors can have serious consequences, ranging from damaging employee morale to fraud losses, and tax penalties for late or incorrect tax payments and submissions.

Leading from behind

It doesn’t matter where you lead from, but today the world requires business leaders to step up and contribute. Not only in their respective organisations, but to lead the charge from the front or, as Madiba popularised, leading from behind.

How health insurance supports patient access to quality primary health care

Access to quality primary health care will address around 90% of our population’s health needs throughout their lives, largely through early detection and prevention of disease, preventative care and health screenings including vaccinations, cancer screenings, pre-natal and antenatal care, as well as ongoing management of chronic conditions, building a more resilient, healthier, productive population.


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