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Clean energy for mines – securing reliable and affordable power

During the 1990s and early 2000s, South African mines bought electricity from Eskom at regulated tariffs. These tariffs were globally competitive. Eskom prioritised the mines as their most important customers. Eskom faced few hurdles related to climate change concerns. Buyers had little choice, but the energy was cheap and reliable. There were few viable alternatives.

Wireless vibration sensor monitoring in mining

In modern mining the advent of wireless vibration monitoring is ushering in a new era of asset management and fault prevention. Over the past two years, advancements in sensor technology have significantly enhanced the capabilities of remote monitoring, driving the rise of autonomous mining and drilling operations.

Illegal lenders, global commodities and Chinese stimulus

The vidcast looks at the increase in the number of unauthorised lenders and unpack the concerns around licensing in the lending space. We also provide information useful to consumers looking to validate lender licensing.

Mining cadastre – a game changer for transparency and efficiency?

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) recently announced that PMG Consortium has been selected as the preferred bidder to establish a mining...

What do sectoral emission targets mean for your business?

To support the implementation of South Africa's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment published the Sectoral Emissions Target (SET) Report for public comment on 26 April 2024.

The road to net zero – South Africa’s energy transition from...

With Coal & Energy Transition Day taking place this month, the discussion around sustainability and coal mining ramps up, as the sector grapples with the desire and responsibility to lower its carbon footprint – but not lose its very reason for existence.

Health, safety & profits – cornerstones of construction success

Workplace health and safety should never be a tick-box exercise in construction. When given the proper care and attention, health and safety practices keep workers safe, help projects stay within budget and timelines, and can have a substantial impact on companies’ bottom-lines.

Upholding dignity – the power of a strong code of conduct

In a South African context, ‘dignity’ is a word that is often supercharged, laden with meaning and emotion. Given our dark history where apartheid stripped whole groups of people of their dignity – and because of the prevailing gap between rich and poor, with South Africa having the highest Gini coefficient in the world – we not only have to believe in dignity, we must also strive to uphold it across all aspects of society.

Technology is making health & safety more attractive to project teams

Maintaining exceptional health and safety (H&S) standards is integral to the ongoing success of any project in the mining, construction, and engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM) industries. However, the time and expenses involved can be discouraging, leading to less effective outcomes.

Driving sustainable development – circularity & ESG in mining

Mining is a historically linear process – we take materials from the earth, make products from them and eventually throw them away as waste. With the intensification of climate change, environmental degradation, pollution – all products of linear economies – the mining industry needs to transition to a circular economy.


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