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Tag: mental health

Building authentic workplace connections

Building authentic workplace connections is so important for creating resilient teams to thrive in today’s dynamic and collaborative workplace. As we emerge from the profound disruptions of the past few years, the need for genuine connections is clear.

AI-Driven recruitment raises legal and bias concerns

AI-driven recruitment raises critical concerns about bias, fairness and legal accountability in modern hiring practices. There is mounting foreign case law that provides both employers and Artificial Intelligence (AI) developers with significant food for thought.

Small business owner wellbeing – balancing passion and pressure

Small business owner wellbeing is essential for sustaining growth, balancing challenges, and achieving long-term success in today’s competitive environment. Wellbeing is a key factor in business growth and success, especially for entrepreneurs navigating the often lonely path of self-employment.

Legislative frameworks for AI – guiding ethical integration

Legislative frameworks for artificial intelligence (AI) highlights the critical need for regulations to ensure ethical and responsible AI development. AI adoption has increased significantly in recent years. In 2018, companies using AI allocated only 5% of their digital budgets to it.

Foundations of health and wellbeing

As disability or incapacity consultants, we are exposed to many individuals with physical and mental conditions, which impede their quality of life. In most cases, it is often an accumulation of factors that lead to an individual being plagued by illness.

Promoting financial literacy and savings strengthens the economy

South Africa stands at a critical juncture, facing a confluence of challenges and opportunities that will shape its future. One of the greatest opportunities lies in retaining its young graduate professionals, who are a vital resource for driving the nation's growth and development.

Silent struggles – mental health challenges in the C-suite

It’s no secret that business founders, entrepreneurs, and executives - those in the C-suite - face constant challenges and concerns in their demanding and responsible roles. Some thrive on being “always on”, concocting a solution and getting buy-in from the team to make things happen. However, a large proportion feels plagued by these challenges and concerns.

Talent management – employee turnover and retention

It reads like a paragraph from a history book; first there was the Great Resignation, followed by the Great Renegotiation, all in span of three years. The pandemic led to millions of employees resigning their positions monthly.

World Suicide Prevention Day – help prevent tragic, untimely deaths

Suicide may be an uncomfortable topic – but talking about it is very necessary as it can help prevent tragic, untimely deaths. World Suicide Prevention Day, an annual awareness day marked on 10 September 2024, highlights the importance of ongoing awareness and public education to help reduce suicide rates and reach those who need professional support in time.

BOOK REVIEW | Waterboy

September is World Suicide Prevention Month, and World Suicide Prevention Day is on September 10. Glynis Horning is a well-known South African mental health journalist dealing with the reality of her son’s suicide. An estimated one in ten South Africans experience major depression at some point in their life. The book attempts to understand the realities of depression and suicide, removing some of the stigma surrounding suicide.


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