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Choosing between IFRS and IFRS for SMEs

Over the last few years we have seen various changes being made with regards to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting framework, which includes new standards such as IFRS 15 (Revenue), IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments) and IFRS 16 (Leases), replacing the old IAS 18, IAS 32 and IAS 17 respectively.

Taxpayers urged to know their obligations

In light of the recent announcement that the tax return threshold will be lifted from R350,000 to R500,000, it is crucial for South Africans to fully educate themselves on their filing obligations, or risk incurring possible fines by the South African Revenue service (SARS).

Emigrating? – ensure your tax affairs are in order

While South African citizens temporarily working overseas are still subject to South African tax laws, individuals who wish to permanently emigrate to a new country need to ensure that they follow the correct steps to enable them to take their savings with them and avoid running up against unnecessary tax problems down the line. 


The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) introduced digital financial reporting via XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) on July 1, 2018.

Tax amendments proposed for cryptocurrencies

Treasury has proposed certain amendments to the Income Tax Act relating to the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies in the recently issued Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (draft TLAB).

FEATURE | AI in the Workplace

Technological advancement is a main driver of economic growth, productivity, and operational efficiencies. Today, these technological advancements are largely in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (a subset of AI) – the ability of machines, through the use of algorithms, to interpret data, predict outcomes and learn from successes and failures. This technological development, known as the 4th Industrial Revolution, is going to bring enormous change to how we live and work.

The IAS and the CA(SA) of the future | Agile learning,...

The future Chartered Accountant [CA(SA)] will look a lot different from the CA(SA) of the past, according to Professor Gary Swartz, founder of the Institute of Accounting Science (IAS), but if numbers remain numbers, and formulas remain formulas, what must change for the evolution of the CA(SA)?


Is the accounting profession experiencing a crisis of credibility? Current events locally and internationally are demanding higher levels of accountability in the accounting and auditing professions. Unethical accounting and auditing practices in South Africa have reverberated globally, with the reputations of large accounting and auditing firms severely damaged by their links to public service corruption and financial misrepresentation by large multinational companies like Steinhoff.

Limited Treasury options for recovery

Ahead of the 2018 Budget Speech, Treasury’s options to raise revenue are becoming increasingly limited. Treasury will need to think outside the box this year if it is to make any meaningful difference to its current revenue shortfall, estimated to currently stand at around R50.8 billion.

The warning signs of a fraudster in your company

Christo Snyman | National Director of Forensic Services | Mazars | | | The typical company loses around 5% of its annual revenue...


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