Tag: Marisa Jacobs
Remote Work Visa – Cape Town is wooing more digital nomads
Almost three months after South Africa introduced the long-awaited Remote Work Visa to attract foreign digital nomads who can choose any exotic destination in the world to work from, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) sees an uptick in enquiries from these remote workers who want to move to South Africa, and specifically to Cape Town.
Reduced visa requirements – a key benefit of the TES
The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has launched the re-packaging of the Corporate Accounts service with a Pilot Project for Trusted Employers. The Trusted Employer Scheme (TES) aims to provide qualifying companies a means to a flexible pathway for skilled applicants to obtain work visas expeditiously in line with global best practice.
Overcoming work visa roadblocks
Navigating the various work visa applications is quite tricky. Individuals and HR professionals assisting employees in applying for their work visas often face lengthy qualifying criteria and a complex application process that can be difficult to get right the first time around.
The ‘silent’ changes affecting South Africans who are emigrating
The transition from the old emigration regime to the current regime - ceasing of tax residency, came with some relief. However, there were some silent changes that went unnoticed. The most notable change has been the requirement of a SARS Tax Compliance Status (TCS PIN) for every capital transfer a Non-Resident/Non-Tax Resident makes to offshore.
Foreign language speakers are an undeniable critical skill to SA
The Department of Home Affairs is currently calling for public comment on the draft of a new Critical Skills List. However, Foreign Language Speakers, a role that featured in the previous list, has been omitted from the draft List. Foreign language employees are more valuable than the language they speak and are critical to job creation inside South Africa’s borders.
Preliminary critical skills list paves way to compete for skills on...
The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has submitted its preliminary Critical Skills List to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for review. The list is publicly available from the DHET’s website and companies should start reviewing it in anticipation of a round of public commentary before it is finalised.
Clampdown on illegal immigrant employment
The Department of Home Affairs has warned that they will be increasing the number of audits and investigations among South African companies that employ foreign nationals. This isn’t an empty threat and they are clamping down on foreign nationals who contravene the act as well as employers who are illegally employing foreigners.