Tag: ManpowerGroup South Africa
Building authentic workplace connections
Building authentic workplace connections is so important for creating resilient teams to thrive in today’s dynamic and collaborative workplace. As we emerge from the profound disruptions of the past few years, the need for genuine connections is clear.
The need for more women in business is critical to our...
The world of work is evolving and while we have seen some positive changes to the workplace since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a change taking place that negatively impacts our businesses, community and economy. It is the greater decline of women in the workplace.
Prepare now to handle a third wave!
Without rapid immunisation, many experts believe that South Africa will experience a third wave of COVID-19 by the coming autumn or winter. Although there is no clear-cut definition of what could constitute this surge it will become evident as we start to observe a continuous rise in new cases.
Now is the time to turn your hobby into a sustainable...
Have you ever dreamed of turning your hobby or into your full-time job? The current economic environment may provide many good reasons to do so, and we have five helpful tips to help you get started turning your hobby into an income generating career.
First-time jobseekers – make sure you have the necessary soft skills...
This is easily one of the most challenging times to be a first-time job-seeker in at least a decade. Job losses are many, and there are plenty of experienced people taking lower-level jobs to try and get by; but that doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom for the first-time job-seeker.
Tips for starting a business after retrenchment
Retrenchment is a word that can strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned veterans of the corporate world. In fact, the longer you’ve been with a company, the more daunting retrenchment can seem. Will you ever be able to find another job as good as, or better than, this one? Will you end up in a job you hate, through no fault of your own? And during a global pandemic and economic downturn, prospects look even bleaker.
Coping during a crisis: boosting morale in times of uncertainty
The only certainty in life is that there will be uncertainty - having a clear plan on how to keep employees engaged and connected can help mitigate these times. Most businesses are no strangers to challenges. However, the current global crisis has created several new challenges for businesses and employees alike. Among these new difficulties that need to be dealt with are persistent pressures that erode morale over time.
Current economic crisis: you want to retrench, now what?
As a result of the current economic crisis that the world faces, organisational change is an unfortunate reality for many businesses. This can lead to changes in the market as businesses adopt Working From Home (WFH), shifts in business strategies, the need to optimise processes, has already led to job losses and retrenchments.
National lockdown: do your contingency planning
With South Africa being on a national lockdown and the world facing a global pandemic due to the coronavirus, employers need to take special precautions to ensure the safety of their employees. Contingency plans together with the right contingency manager can help to mitigate the impact of these disruptions.
SURVEY | South Africa records one of the lowest hiring intentions
According to the latest Employment Outlook Survey, South African employers report limited hiring intentions for the second quarter of 2020. While 8% of employers forecast an increase in payrolls, 5% anticipate a decrease and 85% expect to make no changes. Once the data is adjusted to allow for seasonal variation, the overall outlook for South Africa stands at +2%, unchanged from the previous quarter.