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Tag: land restitution


Sithole problematises the signifier X, as a marker of the dehumanisation of the black subject. He argues that post-1994 South Africa retains the markers of its colonial past, and remains a territory of unfreedom for blacks. He offers a new imagination for a liberatory project through the idea of Azania as a site of true emancipation.

BOOK REVIEW | Rights to Land

The issue of land rights is an ongoing and complex topic of debate for South Africans. Rights to Land comes at a time when land redistribution by government is underway. Th

BOOK REVIEW | Landmarked

The year 2008 was a deadline set by President Mbeki for the finalisation of all land claims by people who were dispossessed under the apartheid and previous white governments. Although most experts agreed this was an impossible deadline, it did provide a significant political moment for reflection on the ANC government’s program of land restitution since the end of apartheid.

Riots due to inequality? Not likely

South Africa saw its most destructive riots in years this past July, ostensibly in response to former President Jacob Zuma's imprisonment and due to socio-economic factors. The Constitutional Court's sentencing of Zuma was widely hailed as a victory for the Rule of Law, but the commentariat in many cases remains blissfully unaware of its diagnostic blindspots.

BOOK REVIEW | Land, Law and Chiefs in Rural South Africa

Who controls the land and minerals in the former Bantustans of South Africa - chiefs, the state or landholders? Disputes are taking place around the ownership of resources, decisions about their exploitation and who should benefit. With respect to all of these issues, the courts have become increasingly important.

Equitable financial compensation instead of land restitution

The applicant in Jacobs v Department of Land Affairs had been deprived of land through a racist fraudulent transfer of the land in 1907 and subsequent eviction in 1921.


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