Tag: labour legislation
2024 Earnings threshold announced
The earnings threshold will increase to R254,371.67 with effect from 1 April 2024, entitling employees falling below the threshold to stricter protections in terms of labour legislation.
Uber drivers – employees or independent contractors?
Uber drivers are currently classified as independent contractors in South Africa, but there are plans to launch a class action to compel Uber SA to confer several key rights on its drivers, which, if successful, will affect the rights of platform workers.
Understanding the rights and obligations of the parties
A recent case decided by the South African High Court has examined the curious interplay of an employee's rights as they arise from both the written contract of employment and, at the same time, labour legislation. Although the judgment may at first seem confusing, a careful analysis of its outcome sheds light on how these parallel sources of the parties rights and obligations operate in conjunction.