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Tag: industrial production

Global economic outlook – SA is in need of a growth...

Chief Economists from in a variety of countries globally released the Global Economic Outlook paper this week which provides detailed insights into the global obstacles and opportunities. Surprisingly, while the pandemic may not be over, the major economies are shifting their mindset and focusing increasingly on the potential risks and rewards of a more sustainable long-term recovery and route to sustainable growth.

Will inflation end the bull market?

Major central banks have combined with structural trends (slowing developed market population growth, globalisation, and technological innovation) to almost eradicate developed market inflation volatility over the past 50 years or so.

First in, first out: China’s fortunes are of more than passing...

Although we all know the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 first emerged in China, there is some debate as to exactly when. As it spread through the city of Wuhan, authorities took what at the time seemed like an extraordinary decision to place the whole metropolitan area in quarantine from late January onwards.


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