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Tag: hybrid model

How to reduce digital fatigue

The post-COVID-19 ‘new normal’ is radically different to life as we once knew it… your working environment has expanded beyond just the computer screen and office and it is possible to work virtually from anywhere as per the hybrid model. But there is a price to pay for this hybrid existence.

Hide-and-seek in the ‘work from anywhere’ era – the rise of...

Fasten your seat belts as the 'work from anywhere' era steps on the gas. In the fast lane of this new age, hush holidays are cruising in, a silent phenomenon stirring duty of care considerations into a tricky maze that has organisations reaching for their strategy maps.

COP27 – Recognising the value of hybrid working to the planet’s...

As recently as September, scientists were highlighting the imminent risk that, even at the current 1˚C level of global warming, at least five environmental ‘tipping points’ are likely to be passed – from the collapse of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets to a massive die-off of tropical coral reefs.


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