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Tag: household spending

2022 – a year of recovery? Reasons for optimism

A few weeks into 2022, an underlying investment theme started to emerge, that of a continued, broad-based recovery with strong economic performance across the globe. Evidence of this recovery was noted in the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) January 2022 statement.

Investment note: the good news edition

For a country always in need of cheering up, recent news of better-than-expected economic growth was most welcome. StatsSA data showed that the economy grew by 4.6% after inflation in the first quarter on a seasonally adjusted and annualised basis.

Strong rebound, but growth momentum expected to slow

Real growth in GDP for the third quarter of 2020 surprised the market consensus to the upside in line with a further relaxation in lockdown restrictions on mobility and activity. Growth surged by 66.1% q/q saar in the quarter and exceeded the November 2020 Reuters Econometer median growth forecast of 34.6% q/q saar.


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