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Macro outlook and investment convictions for 2021

2020 challenged all of us. The most severe economic contraction in decades triggered vast monetary accommodation and fiscal support packages that altered the investment landscape. Now, as we approach 2021, the promise of COVID-19 vaccines is game changing. It encourages us to anticipate a return to pre-pandemic activities.

How safe is investing in South Africa right now?

The 2020 Global Wealth Migration Review cited that an estimated 4,000 of South Africa’s highest nett worth individuals – worth R17 million or more – have left the country over the past ten years. Wealth migration data such as this report is said to serve as a clear indicator of the health of the economy. 

Localisation: supporting a strong recovery in local manufacturing

Many people re-discovered their enthusiasm for local production during the disruptive, bewildering early days of the pandemic. The result is 'localisation', an emerging global trend that could revitalise local factories. If we respond quickly and wisely, there are three obvious benefits: economic resilience, more balanced trade, and greater fixed investment.

Offshore investing provides safety net against market volatility

Two months into President Cyril Ramaphosa’s new government for the next five years, South Africans have been made aware of the stark reality of a higher-than-anticipated contraction in the economy in the first quarter of 2019. While the JSE all share index rebounded in June, it comes off a miserable month of May.

Ethical hackers – an oxymoron?

Data breaches and cyber-attacks are unignorably on the rise and hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Across the world, businesses are finding it difficult to grapple with rapidly shifting cybercriminal motivations, tactics and appetites for destruction.


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