Tag: food security
Food waste – tackling a complex problem systematically
In South Africa where 2.1 million people experience hunger weekly, up to 10.3 million tons of food is wasted each year.
The figures are alarming....
Taking a future-ready approach to sustainable building and design
The construction sector must not be overlooked in the drive towards achieving net zero. While sectors such as industrial manufacturing, mining and fossil fuel power generation tend to grab more headlines, the construction of buildings and infrastructure accounts for approximately 7 Gt CO2e, or 20% of global carbon emissions, where 4 Gt CO2e is associated with the materials used for construction.
BOOK REVIEW | A Country of Two Agricultures
Nearly three decades after the dawn of democracy, South Africa has remained a country of ‘two agricultures’. On the one hand we have a subsistence, primarily non-commercial, black farming segment. On the other hand, however, we have a predominantly commercial and white farming sector that is well-resourced and has access to domestic and international trade networks.
Crop insurance – maintaining sustainable food production
Risks such as heavy rain, flooding, hail, frost, drought and fire are by no means new to the South African agricultural sector, but due to the effects of climate change, they are increasing in frequency and severity. These risks are also becoming more unpredictable amid changing weather patterns, which complicates risk management efforts for farmers.
SOEs don’t have to abide by B-BBEE – why preferential policies...
After years of sustained pressure especially from organisations like Sakeliga, the government relented in November last year and promulgated regulations stating that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) no longer have to comply with Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), requirements when awarding government contracts.
AI in Africa – levelling the narrative
According to the World Economic Forum, artificial intelligence (AI) can contribute up to USD 15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. However, in Africa, AI market growth has stagnated. Estimated at USD 870 million in 2021, with marginal growth forecasted until 2024.
E-waste management – why the future of IT is circular
Recycling has become a part of our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s the ritual of sorting our household waste or making the switch to reusable products, taking proactive steps towards sustainability goals by managing waste is already ingrained in our behaviour. This behaviour is supporting a widespread shift toward a circular economy.
Future food security – sustainable & efficient manufacturing is key
The agricultural sector is vital for the growth of our nation. Despite South Africa’s massive agricultural potential, we do not have enough local production to meet local demand, relying on importers to fill this gap.
The invisible force of women in the agricultural sector
The agricultural sector across sub-Saharan Africa is critical to local and regional economies as a developmental base for food security and employment. Within it, there remains an invisible force driving productivity in the region and across the world.
The cost of living crisis and civil unrest – has COVID-19...
Businesses should prepare for a rise in civil unrest incidents as the cost of living crisis follows hard on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic. What can we learn from the protests we saw during the height of the pandemic and what role could social media play in intensifying future disruption?