Tag: digital age
Revenge porn and legislation – navigating legal challenges
Revenge porn and legislation have become critical issues, as victims face complex legal challenges in seeking justice and protection. The internet and digital platforms have significantly impacted privacy rights and the legal landscape. Social media, blogs, and other online forums have created a complex cyber landscape.
Public interest and privacy – navigating constitutional rights
There is a complex relationship between privacy and freedom of expression. Both rights are enshrined in the South African Constitution and are essential to a democratic society. The right to privacy safeguards personal autonomy by protecting individuals from undue intrusions into their private lives. Freedom of expression, on the other hand, promotes open debate and the sharing of information, which are vital for democracy.
SME growth through digitalisation
In today’s digital age, data-driven insights have become the cornerstone of business success. These insights help businesses thrive. Understanding customer needs provides a greater competitive edge. Additionally, analysing financial data helps businesses plot their growth. This allows them to fulfill their full potential. The benefits of data in the business world are endless.
Optimising user-centric design by aligning CX, UX, UI, BX and SX
In times past, if a product or service worked, you’d pat yourself on the back and move onto the next project. But this simply doesn’t work in the digital age. Today, users want an experience. Gone are the days when creating something clever and functional could pass, if your user experience (UX) isn’t up to scratch, you can expect your product to not only become a white elephant but to receive stinging reviews too.
Advanced printer security
Businesses face an ever-increasing array of security challenges today and as they adopt new technologies to stay competitive, the need for robust security measures has never been more critical. The ever-expanding range of technologies competing to keep business information safe can be overwhelming for organisations striving to stay ahead.
Despite the 2024 challenges, SMEs can achieve success & growth
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa continue to face a business landscape that is simultaneously full of challenges and brimming with opportunities. A still-struggling economy, rising costs, high unemployment figures and an uncertain political future have created a business backdrop against which only the most resilient and innovative businesses will thrive.
Threat of customer push-back against AI looms large
South African business leaders might be willing to invest in artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their business operations, but they are being held back by a crucial ingredient: technical skills. A recent snap poll we conducted shows that budget is not an issue, but a skills vacuum is.
The digital tightrope walk for business & human rights
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation but also presents significant challenges and risks, especially concerning human rights and corporate governance.
Retail – a careful balance between technology & people required
There’s widespread acceptance that improving customer experience will go a long way towards attracting and retaining customers, especially at a time when there’s increased competition for valuable consumer spend. Naturally, all eyes turn to technology to remove friction, add convenience, automate, drive personalisation and much more.
Navigating the tide of CCMA changes
In the ever-changing South African labour market, the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) has adopted digital transformation to improve accessibility and efficiency. The introduction of an online portal streamlines CCMA referrals, accommodating modern communication demands.